Profile of Managing Director

Naota Asao 


Managing Director

As a facilitator in learning and development for business people, crafts and delivers learning/training programs in the areas of financial literacy and business acumen.

As a part-time instructor at College of Interhuman Symbiotic Studies, Kanto Gakuin University, teaches "Logical writing" and "Critical thinking" (since Sept. 2016).  

As one of the representatives (2019-2021) of and a member of "Sewanin"(supporter) group (2021-2022) of General Incorporated Association Jinen Management Institute supported developing decentralized autonomous organizations.
*The association ended its activities in 2022.

Manager of Corporate Learning Business April 2000- April 2003

Developed and delivered a training program of the basic financial analysis focused for sales people.

Manager of Education and Training Business February 1997-March 2000

Developed and delivered three business-simulation training programs.

Started a training business for business people.

Manager of Business Planning and Development October 1995- January 1997 

Imported and localized an entrepreneurial education program for preschoolers from Scotland.

Built a fee management system for the preschoolers’ school business.

Administered the accounting operation.

Business Planning Department (Headquarter) September 1991- September 1995

Conducted and analyzed a large customer survey at all stores.

Analyzed the business environment for sales planning from those sources as macro-economic and households’ consumption statistics, and competitors’ financial statements.

Sales Planning Section of OOMORI Branch Store  April 1990-September 1991

Operated the in-store promotions.





